Anyway, first day of NOvember today, and I did well on all counts:
NO skipping stretching
NO dressing like a bag lady
NO more than 2 glasses of wine at any one time
Bit of a late start today. It's that time of the month and I always have trouble getting out of bed the first couple of days.
9.00: lemon water with Combust
- run/walk for 20 minutes
- walk TJ for 25 minutes
10.15 banana smoothie while stretching
10.30 shower and get dressed into non-bag-lady clothes: jeans, blue jumper, brown necklace

11.45: oats with soy milk and cherries; gluten-free bread with Flora pro-active and St Dalfour four-fruit spread; Metamucil
2.00: gluten-free toast spread with Flora pro-active and topped with lentil and vegetable dahl
3.00: fibre drink, apple, almond butter
8.30: fibre drink, pear
10.15: salmon, barley, broccoli, pumpkin and peas
Great work Char! I am saying NO to PB this month =)
LOL, good luck!
Great job on the coffee! Keep it up!
Thanks for all your comments Kathleen!
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