Friday, April 16, 2010


This morning I woke up at 4am to go to the toilet (too much to drink before bed last night) and couldn’t get back to sleep because I was hungry. I ended up getting up at 5am to make breakfast. So here’s how today’s food panned out…

5.30am Maple Trail Mix Oatmeal (my substitutions were soy milk instead of skim milk, maple syrup instead of maple flavoured agave nectar, and Woolworths Naytura Nibbles Mix instead of Wild Ginger Harvest trail mix):

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This was delicious but I think next time I would use more of the dried fruit and carob buttons from the Nibbles Mix and less nuts.

I also made another protein hot chocolate:

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Only got through about half of it though.

Rob got up at 6.30 and we left the house about 6.45 to walk TJ to the park.

8.30am Crispy Roasted Chickpeas with Moroccan Spices (I cheated and used store-bought Moroccan spice, but they were still good), celery sticks:

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11.45am I used up leftovers in the fridge with two open sandwiches. The one on the left is a toasted crust with a little bit of refried beans, red onion, red pepper, mushrooms, rainbow chard, salsa and avocado; the one on the right is a piece of toast with avocado, Thai tofu and alfalfa sprouts:

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3.30pm vanilla protein shake, apple slices with almond butter:

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6.45pm bolognese sauce with peas, grated zucchini and parmesan cheese:

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8.45pm orange:

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Do you have set eating times, or just eat when you are hungry?


Stephanie Davis said...

A bit of both. By the time i do a walk and make brekkie im hungry, then I eat every 2-4 hours after that when the hunger strikes (usually by the 3 hr mark!!) :)

Charlotte Orr said...

Thanks for your comment Steph. Lately I've been making my oats the night before then just reheating them when I get home from my walk - that way I don't bite Rob's head off while I'm waiting for them to cook, LOL.

Stephanie Davis said...

Actually I have too Charlotte, they are not bad reheated at all. I even make a couple of days worth at a time sometimes. When we prep so much food I find making just one meal at a time a bit of a waste haha.