Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wed 8 July, decrease fish oil

Felt really tired last night, like I was about to come down with something. Decided to take today off training to recharge. Turns out it was just TOM arriving. AND I've got sore quads, hammies and abs from sprints yesterday. Spent most of the day today sorting through Rob's dad's things. Still have kitchen, photos and music to go.

Ran out of fish oil this morning. Got some more this afternoon but it's probably a good time to start cutting back since I've been taking it at high doses for nearly 4 weeks now.

Breakfast: shake made with 1 sc Sun Warrior, 1/2 banana, spinach; 4 fish oil caps, vit B, Supreme greens

Snack: dried edamame, pumpkin seeds, orange

Lunch: felafels, baby rocket, cherry tomatoes, parsley, baby beetroot, olive oil

Snack: soy latte, hummus, carrots

Dinner: grilled pork loin chop, pineapple, baby rocket, cherry tomatoes, red and yellow peppers; 5 fish oil caps

Snack: felafel, hummus, carrot; cocoa with water, stevia and coconut milk; 5 fish oil caps

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