Monday, January 16, 2012

Program One, Day One

Today I did one of my old programs from a couple of years ago. It was designed by Mike Robertson to strengthen my hips and core, which both need work at the moment, and to address some shoulder issues. It also has a gradual increase in cardio intensity, which suits me as I'm trying to increase my fitness.

Here are the strength training exercises I did:

Pull throughs

DB rows

Split squats

Split stance cable push (I did these kneeling)

Shoulder I, T, Y


Exernal rotation on knee

plus some bike intervals


For breakfast I tried some overnight oats, with lactose-free yoghurt, chia seeds, rolled oats and barley, lactose-free milk and strawberries

Lunch was some carrot and ginger soup (don't know what I was thinking - carrot and ginger juice would have been more appropriate in this weather!)

and some baked beans on toast

Dinner was harissa chicken with rice and a rocket salad

Before dinner I visited my doctor to get a mole on my upper chest checked, as it had grown in size and become itchy over the last few days. He decided to take it out, so I am now sporting a couple of stitches and a great big dressing. Rob says it looks like I have been shot, LOL. I'll go back tomorrow to have the dressing changed, and again in a week to have the stitches out and find out the results of the pathology testing on the mole.

See you tomorrow!


Magda said...

Hi Charlotte, I hope your pathology tests come back all clear and no nasties are detected.

Charlotte Orr said...

Thanks Magda, me too!