Monday, December 6, 2010

Getting into a Groove

I've been eating the same brekkie and morning snack every day lately (I've really been enjoying breakfast, and I find the Vega shake is re-energising and a good way of keeping hydrated), so I've listed them in my sidebar rather than recording the same thing every day. I'll post here if I make any changes.

Today's exercise:
- foam rolling and warm-up
- WOD: physical fitness test (chin-ups, crunches, press-ups, run for distance)
- 10 minutes stair stepping
- walk TJ

Breakfast: see sidebar (plus mandarin)

Snack: see sidebar

Lunch: eggplant and lentil soup, olive oil


Snack: 'tofu feta' with tomato and cucumber, almonds

Dinner: kangaroo sausages, carrots, cauliflower (Flora pro-active)

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Mmm, soup! Mmmm, eggplant and lentils!