Like Kristin, I work from home, which means my hours are pretty flexible. My preferred option is to sleep in, but the best time for me to walk TJ is around 6am, when there are mostly just small friendly dogs in the park. So I'll run with that option below.
6am Get up and drink a glass of water with a squeeze of lemon while getting dressed.
6.15-6.45am Walk TJ to the park
6.45am Arrive home, prepare breakfast
7.00am Eat breakfast. Lately it's been pea protein, stevia, vanilla, cinnamon, yoghurt, grated apple and raw oats all mixed together:

Followed up by a couple of boiled eggs
After breakfast I clean my teeth and head into my office. I usually start the day's blog post about this time.
7.30-10am Work
10-10.30am Meal break. Lately I've been having salad with some sort of lean mince and some nuts:

10.30am-1pm Work
1-1.30pm Meal break. At the moment I have a portion of the big chicken stir-fry I cook up on the weekends:

1.30-4pm Work
4pm Preworkout meal. This is usually kangaroo, some sort of starch (lately either sprouted grain bread, sweet potato or potato) and salad
4.30-5pm Get ready to go to the gym, walk to gym (15 minutes)
5-7pm Train, walk home from gym, prepare dinner
7pm Eat dinner. Usually fish, some sort of starch and steamed veg:

7.30-8.00pm Do dishes (no dishwasher - boo!), get stuff out of the freezer for next day's meals
8.00-8.30pm Shower, clean teeth etc
8.30-9pm Finish blog post, read other blogs
9-9.30pm Read in bed
9.30pm Lights out
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