Saturday, June 13, 2009

Changing My Habits

It's that time of year again. But instead of going on a 'diet' or counting calories, I am going to focus on changing my habits. Hopefully focusing on 'behaviours' rather an 'outcome' will lead to long-term success.

Habits I need to work on
- eating at night when I'm not hungry
- doing less than four hours a week of structured exercise
- eating meals in less than 20 minutes
- regularly 'dieting'
- having irregular sleep patterns
- drinking my calories (flat whites, alcohol)
- eating processed/refined grains
- spending two or more hours a day on the computer and/or watching TV
- surrounding myself with unhealthy people
- eating while doing other tasks (TV, reading, computer etc)

This gives me an initial idea of how to structure my goals.

My top 3 priorities
- create food that's simple, healthy and tastes great, so that I look forward to eating each meal
- do exercise that I enjoy, and make it an integral part of my life
- take it slow and find a strategy that works for me

'All-or-none' thinking
My 'all-or-none' mentality hurts me. I need to remember that nutrition and exercise are not black and white, they're on a spectrum. Life is going to get in the way of my best intentions, but there's plenty of grey area to take advantage of (do the best I can in the situation - it doesn't have to be perfect).

Measures to help me reach my goals
The only measures I've been using lately are how my clothes are fitting. I know I'm moving away from my goals because my clothes are getting tighter in all the wrong places. I will try other types of measures (photos, bodyweight, girths, skinfolds) to help me reach my goals; however, the aim is to prioritise health, and let my body composition fall into place.

Outcome-based decision making
I've tried to use outcome-based decision making in the past, but I get distracted by other food and exercise plans instead of measuring if what I'm doing at the moment is actually working. I need to choose something and stick with it for a couple of weeks, then measure to see if it's working. If it is, keep going. If not, adjust the plan, try for a couple more weeks and measure again. And so on.

Success Transcends
Elsewhere in my life I have been successful at completing a university degree and a diploma. The qualities required to complete these were perseverance, dedication, planning and focus. I can take those qualities and apply them to nutrition and exercise. This will leave no room for anything but success.


Becca said...

Looks good. Looking forward to watching the results.

Charlotte Orr said...

Thanks Bec, me too!

Anonymous said...

awesome doll-love max