Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Phase 3, Day 1 of 34

Date: Mon 5 Jan

Start Weight: 62.7

Loving my AM routine at the moment:
Get up, have first breakfast
Take TJ for relaxing 45-minute walk around lake
Come home and do 30-minute yoga DVD
Have second breakfast
Start work

I decided to use this week to try and find some one rep maxes for the main lifts I am doing in this month's strength phase. So, armed with instructions and my man, I did bench press and deadlifts. I've never done a one rep max for bench press before and was pleased to lift 50kg. I've no idea how much I can expect to increase that by in five weeks, but I'll give myself something to reach for and say my new max will be 55kg.

Food was to plan but I was hungry before bed so had an extra meal (repeat of meal 2): 7/7


Ursula Beck said...

Hi babe, long time no chat... You look great, lots of hard work paying off..
Keep up the good work
Hope you had a great Christmas and New Year xxx

Stephanie Davis said...

wow do you have to get up super early for that charlotte?
hehe, love the second breakfast- we can be muscular hobbits :)