Friday, June 11, 2010


I'm enjoying getting back into exercise again. Doing a little bit each weekday is nice and manageable, rather than a chore.

Today's food and exercise:

coffee with milk

walk, 20 mins

sprouted grain toast drizzled with fish oil and topped with scrambled egg and egg whites; salsa; gold kiwifruit

mix of choc rice protein, mixed berries and peanuts

chicken patty and salad (mixed greens, pineapple, carrots, tomatoes, cucumber), dressed with fish oil, pomegranate & blueberry juice and balsamic vinegar

coffee with milk

upper body pull workout

choc rice protein, oats

kangaroo and vege stir-fry on brown rice, fish oil


Have a great long weekend - I'm off to cuddle my dog, he's shivering from the cold!

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