While I was staying with my parents I looked through some of their crockpot and diabetes recipe books. I came home with about 10 new recipes to try, so have been enjoying cooking something in the crockpot each day - makes the house smell great! So far my favourite has been braised kangaroo sausages with lentils.

The past few days we have been having quinoa flakes for breakfast. I usually buy the little round quinoa to make into porridge but Rob doesn't like the texture that much. Was in the health food store on Tuesday and saw the flakes. We like them much better for porridge - they cook really fast (90 seconds on the stovetop) and they are really filling. I picked up some quinoa flour as well so will try making some quinoa and berry muffins sometime soon.
I also picked up the New Zealand version of the Healthy Food Guide for July. There was a lot in there on gluten-free living, including a section on buckwheat, which is actually a fruit seed related to rhubarb and sorrel. I've had buckwheat pancakes before but I'm going to try making buckwheat porridge for breakfast tomorrow. The kernels take a while to cook, so I found a recipe where you can 'cook' it overnight in the thermos - hope it turns out OK!
If the buckwheat porridge turns out, make sure you share! I have a pack of roasted buckwheat and I only ever use a spoonful in home-made muesli because I have no idea what else to do with it!
buckwheat porridge is very common in Russia/Norway, it's called Kashi (sp?). I make it in the rice cooker or in the oven on a low temperature (covered). I love quinoa flour for baking, it adds a beautiful nutty flavour to doughs and pastries and is great for crepes.
www.latartinegourmande.com/ uses pretty much exclusively quinoa and rice flour for her recipes and they are delish (not good on a cut though!).
Thanks Michelle, it came out OK in the thermos but was lukewarm and a bit chewy, so I will try the rice cooker/oven.
Oooh... I think I've seen those at my organic shop... must get some to try after comp!! xxx
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