Saturday, July 26, 2008

69 days to go

After writing about agave syrup yesterday, I asked my husband to pick me up a bar of Loving Earth raw organic dark chocolate on the way home last night. It's sugar-free (sweetened with agave), gluten-free, dairy-free and low GI, but contains 72% raw organic cacao. I only wanted a small (40g) bar to have when my hubby and his mates were sharing their chocolate tonight. Needless to say, I wasn't very impressed this morning when I found out that hubby had eaten more than half of it on the way home, leaving me with just four squares! So I got another one from the health food store this afternoon.

I also tried having some cheese today after not having any dairy (including whey) for two weeks (apart from a bit of lactose-free milk on Thursday). I had 5g of Parmesan cheese (yes, I weighed it!) with my eggs this morning. About 10 minutes later I had a sore stomach and felt tired. Same thing happened to me last time I had dairy, on the day of the All Females, which is what prompted me to try going without it for a couple of weeks. I will keep experimenting to see what I can tolerate. I've still been eating mostly gluten-free - not difficult in our house since hubby is a celiac - although the bread rolls our guests were eating tonight looked very nice. I knew that once I started eating one I would find it hard to stop, so just concentrated on my steak and salad and looked forward to my chocolate instead.

Today I also had some pressure point treatment on my left quadratus lumborum, which was feeling a bit tight from posing practice this week, and sitting curled up on the couch yesterday.

1 comment:

Kek said...

You asked YOUR HUSBAND to bring home chocolate for you?


No wheat I can handle, but no dairy? Ugh. That's no fun...