I do my morning exercise in our garage. The purple paint job was done by the previous owners. Rob put down the mats on the floor so he and a couple of mates can grapple, and I put the band around the rafters to assist me with the chin-ups.
My office under the stairs. It looks out over the back yard - that's the mandarin tree outside the window. Note TJ lying under my desk...
Our dining room. The rug under the table was left in the garage by the previous owners.
View of the lounge from the dining room
Today's food and exercise
6.15: lemon water
exercise: Dips & Chin-ups Supersets followed by 25-minute walk with Rob and TJ
7.30: oats with cherries; oat-bran toast spread with Flora Pro-active and St Dalfour four-fruit spread
10.00: fibre drink, apple, almonds
12.00: eggplant, tomato and chickpea stew on oat-bran toast spread with Flora Pro-active
3.30: fibre drink, apple, almonds
4.30: leftover stir-fried tofu with peppers and black bean sauce on a bed of barley
8.30: fibre drink, pear
edited to add
9.30 Bird's eye steamed fish fillet, carrot, 1 gluten-free cookie
Lovely home. I especially like the dining room and lounge – that leather furniture is gorgeous! Your food is delicious, as always.
Thanks Kathleen!
Very nice! Looks like a good deal of space for your workout area too.
How nice of the previous folks to leave a nice rug!
Thanks Raechelle, they left a lot of stuff we didn't want too, but at least I was able to re-use the rug!
Hi Charlotte,
Under your desk looks like a perfect spot for a lovable Lab :)
I just won't show Lucy this pic otherwise she'll get some ideas!
Hi Liz, luckily the power point is in a different place here. At our previous place it was underneath the desk and quite often TJ would lean on it while he was sleeping and it would come out of the wall and everything would go off!
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