Saturday, September 12, 2009


Weight: 63.8 (down 0.3kg).

I'm happy with this small drop given that during the past week I:
- had 3 glasses of champagne and too much food at an engagement party
- missed a training session because I was really tired and felt like I was coming down with something (turns out it was just my period arriving)
- had 1.5 feijoa vodkas with L&P (NZ lemonade - the sugary kind!) to celebrate a friend's birthday

No celebrations to attend this coming week, so should be full steam ahead!


ss2306 said...

Great job Charlotte. You're doing brilliantly. I love seeing your results each week.

Charlotte Orr said...

Thanks Shelley!

Becca said...

Hooray!! Consistancy is a bear but it is worth it!!

Charlotte Orr said...

Thanks Becca, yep, just trying to be as consistent as I can!