Thursday, March 12, 2009

Scrawny to Brawny

I found myself nodding my head at Katie's post on the different stages in a figure competitor's life. I usually like how I look best about four weeks before a comp. After that, I start to get the 'too skinny' comments too. Below I've posted pics from my first year of competition. I didn't have much muscle then and I really did look very scrawny from about three weeks out, but I loved my level of leanness on stage. My aim for my next comp is to get this lean but to retain the muscle I've developed over the last few years so I don't look so little.

Stage 1 "off season"
(6 weeks after my first show, 13 weeks before my second one)

Stage 2 "look good but not stageworthy"
(4.5 weeks out)

Stage 3 "look scrawny"
(2.5 weeks out)



KatieP said...

Charlotte - your post about food intolerances has changed my life - the Universe must have sent you to rescue me.

Since cutting out things with high salicylate content I am no longer bloated, I am going to the bathroom every morning (used to be 2x a week if I was lucky) and my weight could quite possible be on the way down again (no refeed spike from yesterday).

Thank you for being my angel. x

Charlotte Orr said...

That's awesome - I'm so happy for you!

Em said...

You look great on stage :)

ss2306 said...

Hi Charlotte

I've enjoyed reading your posts about intolerances and salicylates. Somethings still not quite right with me. Maybe this is the key?

Thank you

Charlotte Orr said...

Hi Shelley, glad you enjoyed them, and hopefully something there will help you.

Charlotte Orr said...

Thanks Em!