Sunday, March 8, 2009

Checking in, and doing the opposite

Haven't had any energy to train or blog this week (not sure what's wrong but think my body has been trying to fight off a sinus infection - face sore and puffy the last few days). I'm so glad I did all that food prep last weekend as normally when I don't train my eating isn't great, but having almost everything prepared meant I had no excuse not to eat well.

I was planning on experimenting with a high-carb diet for a few months when I started my new program this week. Even though I didn't end up training I decided to change my diet anyway - thought my body would appreciate all the extra veggies and fruit while I wasn't feeling well. So I've been eating roughly 50% carbs (from veges, fruit, legumes and whole grains), at about 1800 calories per day, sometimes more if I've had a long day. I've also been having a lot of trouble with dairy lately (bloating, phlegm, wind, tiredness) so have taken this out for now. May try reintroducing some lactose-free or non-cow options in a few weeks.

Rough plan for next week is to do the same foodwise, and add in some exercise if/when I feel up to it:
M1: Vital Greens, steel-cut oats with banana and berries
M2: kangaroo mini roast, sweet potato, broccoli, zucchini
M3: balsamic chicken with four-bean salad
M4: lamb casserole, cauli, carrots
M5: pea protein, cocoa, xylitol, nut butter and water mixed into a 'pudding'; celery, capsicum, cucumber

Food prep is done, so just have to heat and eat.

PS, for anyone that has problems with food intolerances, my parents sent me this interesting article: My search for food that loves me


KatieP said...

This is really interesting Charlotte. I have terrible bloating issues and I have always been worse when dieting because I increase my vegetable intake significantly. And my vegies of choice are all on the high salicylate list.

It is a shame I only read it after cooking up my food for the week which is a huge vegetable stew with all the suspect herbs and vegies. I guess I can wait another week to test out the theory!


Anonymous said...

I second that it's a very interesting article. Thanks for posting it up Charlotte. :o)

Lia xxx

Anonymous said...

Charlotte, It helps me to see that you are taking good care of yourself. Frankie

Em said...

A great read.
Have a great week sweetie.