Phew, have been really busy with work this week. Have two jobs on the go at the moment.
Not last weekend but the weekend before I tried a move in yoga I hadn't done for a while and ended up overstretching the illiacus muscle in my hip. Luckily I have a resident myotherapist (my lovely husband) so he was able to get me sorted out pretty quickly. It meant I missed a leg workout on Tuesday last week though as I was still pretty stiff and sore.
Apart from that, things have been going really well. My weights/reps are all still going up, and I feel like I'm eating enough now to fuel my workouts and grow some muscle. I'm getting more sleep and I think that's really helping too.
Goals for this week:
Mon Upper Body + cardio done
Tue Lower Body + cardio done
Wed walk dog/yoga done
Thu Upper Body + cardio done
Fri Lower Body + cardio; plan meals for the following week done
Sat walk dog/yoga; food shopping done
Sun prepare lunches for the week had extras left from previous weeks, so no need, yay!
Every day I must also:
Journal my eating yes
Go to technical failure in the gym yes
Get at least 8 hours sleep ahem
Slleeeepp (said in a homer simpson tone) I'd love to consistently get 8 hours.
Have a great day!
Hi Charlotte,
glad to hear your injury hasnt had too bad an effect on your training. Nice to hear that you're going strong.
Thanks for commenting on my blog after my recent "meltdown" LOL.
How handy, having a hubby that was able to help you with your injury!! My rob is a sports massage therapist. That comes in handy too ;)
Sounds like aside from your hip, things are going well.
Have a great day.
tara xxx
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