My metabolism appears to have increased after adding more calories. Prior to my show I was eating 0 or 1 complex carb meals per day. I'm now having 4 small carb meals a day, and I still haven't put on much weight. I'm pretty happy with my bodyfat level at the moment, but I'd like to grow some more muscle, so I'll be continuing to slowly increase my calories.
I've finally bought some xylitol, so will be using that instead of Equal in my coffee. That's one less chemical going into my system. I buy the La Ionica chicken, as that's processed without chemicals, and this week I'll be looking into having organic fruit and veges delivered. My other focus this week will be making sure I get enough sleep, as I know how important sleep is to help me grow.
Goals for this week:
Tue Upper Body + cardio no, was behind with my work
Wed Lower Body + cardio did upper body & cardio
Thu walk dog & do yoga; plan meals for the following week did lower body & cardio, walked dog and did yoga; done
Fri Upper Body + cardio rest day
Sat Lower Body + cardio; food shopping did upper body & cardio, shopping and prepared patties for the week - a productive day!
Sun walk dog & do yoga did lower body & cardio
Mon prepare lunches for the week done on Sat! Walked dog and did yoga today
Have one planned treat Things I've thought of so far: shortbread, caramel Magnum (I'd like to try the mint one but am worried it won't be as nice as the caramel one, LOL), swiss cheese
Every day I must also:
Journal my eating
Go to technical failure in the gym
Get at least 8 hours sleep no, was up late Friday & Sunday
Hi Charlotte, xylitol is great I reckon, you are doing so well, your blog is inspirational to read,
have a great day
Here's a thought Charlotte, why don't you make the decision of what to eat when that time comes. Otherwise if you're planning it you kind of become fixated and foccussed on food which we all know isn't healthy for us.
I've found in the past that when it comes down to it, it doesn't really matter what we eat. It's the fact that we're eating outside the square and no matter what we put in our mouths after a couple of mouthfulls we've usually satisfied the craving of eating a 'sometimes food'.
If what you eat isn't as nice as you'd thought it's not the end of the world as we know it, there's always another time. ;o)
This is just my two cents worth.
Lia xx
Thanks Ali, I'm doing much better on the xylitol. Glad you're enjoying my blog!
Hi Lia, I will freely admit I have planning/control issues. I like to have things mapped out and I'm not very good at being spontaneous or adjusting to change. Something else to work on, LOL
I admire your sense of organization! I must take from that and put it into MY life... because its been a week since the comp and its all out of control right now!!! :(
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