Today I was amped to do my deadlift workout. My husband wanted me to wait so we could train together when he finished work. I agreed but had a feeling it wouldn't work out. Sure enough, when he got home he'd forgotten what we'd arranged and he just wanted to take the dog for a walk. So we are going tomorrow morning instead. We were planning to train together in the evenings next week as well, but I've decided I will just go by myself in the mornings as usual. At least that way I get in and get it done, no excuses. Hubby is not an early bird and refuses to even contemplate a morning workout on weekdays. I'm dropping down to 3-6 reps for some of my exercises next week, so hopefully there will be someone around to give me a spot.
Earlier in the week I let things slide a bit. Magda suggested taking a good look at my before and after photos for motivation. I decided to do this, but with a view to how I'm making this my lifestyle. I remember a figure competitor saying that the weight and bodyfat she first competed at is now the weight she maintains at. At the time, I thought, 'yeah, right'. But I can see that it's almost true for me now too. The before pic below is from 24 June 2006, the second pic is from today. In the first pic I am 52.9kg and 'carbed up'. In the second pic I am 53.7kg and this is how I look on a day-to-day basis. I'm really happy with how my legs are looking, and most of that change has come in the last few months via the programs I've had from Liz.
So did looking at these photos do the trick? I think so. It's made me want to keep being consistent with my workouts, and to strive to improve with each workout, so I can gain more muscle (God knows, I need all the help I can get!), and to keep up my cardio, to help me stay lean. It's also reminded me to question myself 'Will eating this help me reach my goals?'. Will it help me get bigger, leaner, healthier?
Have a great weekend everyone.
Wow Charlotte, I have only one comment.
You've got a great work ethic and approach to your training and it's showing.
I'm pleased my advice was helpful and I think the pictures speak a 1000 words.
To maintain at the level you are currently at is awesome ... something I aspire to.
Just stumbled on your blog...Awesome work!
I hear ya on training in the morning-I can't imagine doing it at the end of the day at all...Fortunately my hubby has always trained in the morning too so makes it easy.
Keep up the good work!
Charlotte those pics are inspiring to say the least!! It is great that your dedication and persistence with both your training and nutrition is 'obviously' paying off for you. AWESOME
have a great weekend,
Ali xxx
hiya Charlotte, good job on refinding your motivation!! sometimes it is the simple things that are the most effective -- such as doing comparisons via photos. Looking good there!! very good job on staying lean and you certainly have gained some muscle too :o)
keep up the hard work.
WOW love the pics, very inspiring
Charlotte - your legs are awsome!!!
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