Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I Killed my Scales!

I've had these nice stainless-steel digital scales for the last 18 months. They usually sit near the kettle. The other day I was making a hot drink and managed to knock it over, getting the scales wet in the process. Now they don't work :-( I looked in the instruction book - it said do not immerse in water. Doh! I've been managing OK without them for the last couple of days but knew I had to weigh out some meat today so grabbed a cheap set of scales while I was at the supermarket. OMG, they are so inaccurate. Looks like I will be venturing out to buy a new set of digital scales tomorrow.

On the training front, everything is going well. Have been doing some heavy lower-body work for the last couple of weeks (sets of three). Last time I did reps that low was 1994 (!), and was a bit freaked out with the thought of doing them again, but I was pleased with how it all went.

Our local Safeway has finally got cartons of frozen egg whites in, so am looking foward to trying them out tomorrow, once they've defrosted.

Hope everyone is having a great week!


Lisa said...

Go the heavy lower body work, your growth hormone will really kick in from that.


Raechelle said...

I'd like to try the frozen egg whites too-I will have to check woolies today to see if the even carry them here.
Glad to hear training is going well!

Em said...

Hi Darl :)
I have been meaning to try those frozen egg whites let me know how you go :)
Good on you for going heavy I used to love lowering the reps so I could go heavy I used to amaze myself with what I could achieve :)
Have a great thursday hun :)

Anonymous said...

Bummer about the scales.

I have been looking for pre packaged egg whites since i moved to Australia. In the UK they came in a carton like milk and were in the fridge section, i never considered looking in the freezer.

Ali said...

How were the frozen egg whites?? Sam gave me some once when we were in Melbourne, I thought they were great.

They are hard to get over here and more expensive than whole eggs.

Have a great week

Ali xxx