Saturday, November 15, 2008

Dry Me Out

Just wanted to post a little about final week prep. The method that has worked best for me so far is to "arrive" early (this means no stress about being ready in time) then dry out in the final week. I didn't completely cut water (had 1.25L on the Friday) but still managed to get pretty dry through manipulation of food. Here are some comparison pics from the Monday and the Saturday. Please note that this was in my first year of competing (2006), hence lack of size and goofy posing.


Becca said...

Thanks for posting these pics. I think you're right, we'll be about the same size - at least, that's how I picture my size after the diet. My main goal right now is to put on as much muscle as I can because I don't want to be too small in the end. Are you dieting right now?

Becca said...

I think you have more of a sweep than I will though. Bummer! I guess we'll see!

Anonymous said...

Drying out can be a very tricky phase of the process. JD does things differently so I'm looking forward to finding out what he does and how turns out. Only time will tell I guess. :o) xxx

Charlotte Orr said...

Hi Becca, I competed in October then had five weeks of pretty relaxed eating and exercise. At the moment I'm just easing back into clean eating and regular exercise so am trying to eat pretty clean during the week and have a few off-plan meals in the weekends. Will be going into a building phase soon. Cheers, Charlotte

Becca said...

Thanks for replying! My diet starts the day after Christmas, and it will be about 12 weeks. Hopefully that won't be too long. I will be posting pics starting then - or maybe before. :) I am very interested in seeing how this all turns out for me.

Unknown said...

Looks like a successful final week. Congratulations - lookin' good.