Friday, October 17, 2008


'Before you go psycho trying to figure out your post workout meal or order the latest supplements, realize that if you can just consistently exercise and eat clean then the rest of this stuff just does not matter. ' (Jodi Jones, Cathy Savage Fitness)

My off season this year is all about keeping it simple. I plan to do weights three or four times a week, with a little bit of cardio and/or some yoga on my off days. I have some meal plans to follow, which means I won't be stressing about what to eat when, and the only supplements I will be taking are fish oil, protein powder, creatine, greens powder, recovery drink/BCAAs.


Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hi Charlotte :)

I admire the way you go about your training - so much study, so much planning, so much concentration, so much discipline - absolutely fascinating.

Your post inspires me!

Have a wonderful day :)

Shaboom said...

Love the Kiss principle too! Easy and you don't have to think too hard :)