Tuesday, September 18, 2007

That Time of the Month

As you can tell by my last post, I wasn't feeling my usual self at the end of last week. I felt like I was retaining water and was frustrated at my lack of definition. I felt down in the dumps, a bit teary and got irritable at the smallest things. I wanted to eat chocolate. My hips ached and I had no energy. Normally a few of those signs would immediately let me know what to expect, but I was just putting it all down to competition preparation - except the water retention, which really had me stumped. Yesterday my body suddenly seemed to change, my mood improved and so did my energy levels. And today I know why...doh!


Tara said...

Hiya Charlotte, lucky that you have TOM now and not in 2wks time hey!! I am patiently waiting for mine to appear. Praying that i get it before and not during the show.

Have a great day :o)

Kie said...

Hi Charlotte,
Dont you just love being a woman LOL I did exactly the same thing last month. I hope I dont get mine at my show I didnt even think about that. Take care
Kie xx

Splice said...

It's great to know there was a logical explanation for your behaviour lol.

RaeC said...

Don't you love that??? At least there is a reasonable explanation... LOL!! I always know when I am lean enough because mine stop altogether... haven't had one within a month or two of comp... YET!! Hopefully it will stay that way :o)

I'm like a camel when it's TTOTM... I can put on 2kgs overnight through just plain ole water retention!!

Keep up the awesome training and dieting hon xxx

Ali said...

It is interesting how everybody is different isn't it, not long now Charlotte, you'll be awesome, keep up your great work and thanx for your supportive comment on my blog ;)


Charlotte Orr said...

Hi everyone, thanks for all your comments! Yes, I'm glad it came this week and not during the show. I haven't had it this close to a show before, that's why I couldn't work it out. Just another thing to chalk up to experience, I guess.