Welcome to my rollercoaster. For my last show I lost fat fast, started looking a bit skinny and ended up having to increase my carbs in the couple of weeks beforehand to maintain my weight. This year I've been eating a little more throughout my preparation, so I'm looking bigger (which is a good thing) but I've been worried that my body fat isn't going to come down enough in time. It's a bit stressful after cruising in last year. I'm trying not to think about it too much as I don't want my cortisol levels to rise and stimulate body fat storage. I can see a few changes after dropping my carbs and increasing my cardio this week, so hopefully a few more tweaks each week will have me in the right place by show day.
Weight: 54kg. Most of this week's weight loss seems to have come off my butt, thank goodness.
Food: Cooking is definitely easier at the moment, but my food is starting to get a little monotonous since I don't have as many choices and can't add sauces etc. Luckily it's not forever.
Training: I'm beginning to hate my circuits. I'm absolutely exhausted by the end of them. I'm hanging to do straight sets again, with no supersets, giant sets or circuits. I am enjoying doing some plyos, but my calves are really starting to feel it. ***Note to self - I'd like to fit in some yoga in the off season.***
Cardio: Will increase to one hour a day from Monday. My legs are starting to feel really tired from all the exercise they're getting from the circuits and the cardio, but I feel like it's worth it after the change in my butt this week.
To do this week: Keep working on my posing and routine
Hiya Charlotte, I hear u on wanting to do straight sets again. I cannot wait!!! Best of luck with the final few wks, I am sure that you will do brilliantly!! Thanks for ur advice in my blog too. Means a lot :o)
Wishing you strengh for the following last weeks :-)
You are doing so well and I can't wait to see your comp pictures, especially the new bikini.
I'm hoping mine will show up soon, i'm getting excited!
Wow Charlotte you are in such a good position. And I can sympathise on the tired legs. I'm enjoying myself (still) but am feeling tired at times. Looking forward to a weeks holiday when its all over :-)
Hi Ladies! Thank you all for visiting! I am feeling much more positive today. I think my upper body is finally starting to come in, so hopefully my legs won't be too far behind. Yay!
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