Saturday, April 5, 2008

Protein Shakes, Yes or No?

Have been trying to decide whether to buy more protein powder recently. Got emailed an article about liquid calories by Tom Venuto today, and this is the part I found interesting:

While you would think that protein drinks are purely a good thing, because protein foods have been proven to reduce appetite and increase satiety, if you turn a solid protein food into a protein drink, it loses it's appetite suppressive properties in the same way that happens when you turn fruit into fruit juice.

[NOTE: After weight training workouts, liquid nutrition may have benefits that outweigh any downside, especially on muscle-gaining programs]

Why do liquid calories fail to elicit the same response as whole foods? Reasons include:
* high calorie density
* lower satiety value
* More calories ingested in short period of time
* lower demand for oral processing
* shorter gastrointestinal transit times
* energy in beverages has greater bioaccessibility and bioavailability
* mechanisms may include cognitive, orosensory, digestive, metabolic, endorcrine and neural influences (human appetite is a complex thing!)

* Last but not least, nowhere in our history have our ancestors had access to large amounts of liquid calories. Alcohol may have been around as far back as several thousand years BC, but even that is a blip on the biological calendar of humanity.

As a result, our genetic code has never developed the physiological mechanism to properly register the caloric content in liquids the way it does when you eat, chew and swallow whole foods.

At this stage I'm thinking I will keep my post workout protein and carb drink, but try and focus on whole foods for my other meals. Does anyone else do without?


Claudine said...

A few weeks before the competition I went without the shakes (post-workout and before sleep). That was to help my metabolism work even more, and non stop.

Raechelle said...

Our ancestors didn't workout in the same way we do either :).
I say keep the shake in as a pre or post workout hit of protein. But definitely think that it shouldn't be a "meal" like in exchange for lunch or dinner.

Shaboom said...

I used to have protien drinks all the time as post workout meal, However since traiing with Liz, she has suggested mixing the protien powder in with my meals eg. Mixing in with my Yoghurt and porridge. I love this option, rather than doing the shakes as having whole food and able to boost my protien intake for some of my snacks.

Raechelle said...

Hey CHARLOTTE! Thanks for the looks like he has some other interesting blogs as well.
Did you find him by doing a search on the title? I hadn't thought about that...duh!
Cheers! Have a great weekend!

Tara said...

Hi Charlotte, I don't take protein shakes anymore. only on the rare occassion. I am trying to get all of my macronutrients from whole foods instead. This has been working really well for me too. Congrats on becoming an aunty again :o) very cute!!

Hows the training going?

Lisa said...

Charlotte, for me it is all about outcomes. PW is always liquid nutrients as I can mix my supps in as well for quick delivery to my muscles.

I have a variety of Protien mixes, and I use Pea Protein in my oats and yoghurt for the protien component of that meal - as Shannon does too.

However when at work, travelling or for mid night snack a quick WPI shake is hard to beat.

If you are at a stage of your preparation where macronutrient values are critical I find protein powders crucial during the day to ensure exact amounts.

Unknown said...

I, too, mix my protein powder with whole foods to give them a bit of a boost of protein. I don't really like the taste of shakes but I don't mind it when its mixed in with other foods.

Anonymous said...

Hey :) I havent had a protein shake since July 07!! I'm using whole foods pre and post training (eg: boiled eggs, banana's rice cakes) seems to be working fine, i've gained some nice juicy muscles!! Although i'm thinking of competing again late this year, i'll revert back to shakes Pre and Post workouts :) OH and I also make my infamous protein balls that i keep handy at all times!!!