Thursday, March 20, 2008

What's Going On In That Head Of Yours?

I haven't been posting much lately because I've been trying to deal with a few things mentally. I know I have food issues. I did my first two shows close together, and after the second one I put on about 10kg. It took a lot of work to get the weight off again for my third show, and I was determined not to have to go through that again. Plus I prefer how I look when I'm lean. But I'm a control freak and it can mean that it takes over my life. I'm in my off season and I'm trying to put on muscle, but I still tend to weigh, measure and calculate (think about) things too much - because I also want to stay lean. When my food scales broke recently I didn't get round to replacing them, and it's actually been really good to help me relax a bit. I have just been eyeballing portion sizes instead of weighing things out to the last gram. It's nice to be able to cook a meal and dish it up without it getting cold while I'm weighing/measuring how much to have. I've been eating until I start to get full, then stop. I've gotten quite good at judging how much I need without weighing it out. I'm learning to listen to myself more and that can only be a good thing.


Claudine said...

"It's nice to be able to cook a meal and dish it up without it getting cold while I'm weighing/measuring how much to have"

This has to be the worse part of the preparation... Oh...wait, there are other stuff too... hihih

You are very mature, very focussed. I admire you more and more!

Anonymous said...

Good on you Charlotte! I have to admit I think I would be a bit lost without my scales and my husband thinks I'm weird to measure out to exactly 100g the mince portion I have when we have spag bol. But until we practice practice practice to figure it out and create those solid linkages in our brains we need those tools to help us. Your personal growth is inspiring and thats what this whole journey of life is about.


Lisa said...

Charlotte there will be more than enough effort put in weighing and measuring soon enough. You need to break your stress cycle on this.

Relax and get big!


Anonymous said...

I think it's only natural to weigh everything until portion size becomes second nature. You are very focused and have a healthy approach to portion size and listening to your body.

I hope you have a lovely relaxing Easter weekend

Ali said...

Hope you have a wonderful Eater!!

ali xxx

Em said...

Thats fantastic hun :)

I hoppe you are having a lovely Easter :)

Magda said...

Hi Charlotte,

having competed once and now weighing up whether to do it again or not, I'll be honest and admit that my "weight issue" is a huge struggle right now.

Its encouraging to read that I'm not alone though. Knowing that others find it just as tough (even years into the sport) makes me feel less isolated and less of a "loser" (if you know what I mean).

Thanks for sharing your thoughts wth us.

