Well, first week back at work last week and I didn't get in as much yoga as I would have liked (just a couple of half-hour DVDs). I didn't do any exercise this morning as I had a deadline to meet, so headed off to the gym late afternoon. I trained chest and biceps, and decided to pop once of my DVDs when I got home as I knew it had lots of upper body stretches. The temperature was probably still in the high 30s and the sweat was just running off me. Strangely enough, I really enjoyed it - got lots of stretch. Has anyone been to a Bikram/hot yoga class?
Haven't done it but sounds good in theory! Hot bod=pliable muscles!
No I haven't tried it either... always wanted to but never found a class close to home. Its great to try something a little different than the norm, keeps things interesting.
I did Bikram for abotu 2 years when I was bodyubuilding. I loved it , as it is so good for the soul. I go back when I am off sesaon these days, and am looking foreward to that in 6 weeks time.
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