Thanks for all your lovely comments about my pics. A few of you mentioned my smile. While I don't feel confident on stage, I (strangely) don't feel nervous either. I just go out there and enjoy myself after all the hard work I've put in. I also think the audience's encouragement really makes a difference. So if you go along to prejuding, and you've got something positive to say about the person on the stage, don't be afraid to yell it out.
I'm handling post comp much better than last year. I've learnt which foods are triggers for me (white rice, white pasta, bread, cereal containing dried fruit), so I decided I would avoid having them after this show and in future. I don't keep muesli in the house as I can go through it by the boxful. Instead I have it if I go out for breakfast. That way, when I'm finished what's in my bowl, that's it - it's not calling my name for the rest of the day, tempting me to finish what's in the packet and then start on something else. Yes it's better for me than junk food, but eating huge quantities of carbs isn't great for my waistline or my mental health. I'd rather gradually increase the quantities of carbs that I don't go bananas on (brown rice, wholemeal pasta, rice cakes, oats, sweet potatoes, potatoes, pulses) so I can feel OK about having a treat when I need one.
While I'm back at the gym, I'm probably not eating enough yet to start putting on any muscle. I should be back to 'regular' eating by the end of the month, and am looking forward to mapping out a building schedule to start on from November.
alicia posted this comment but I somehow deleted it (sorry!):
I have exactly the same 'trigger foods' as you - all the white stuff! I've learnt not to keep it in the house either as I will scoff it all down in a second. Keeping it out of the house certainly helps! xo
Hi Charlotte,
I am just now catching up on everyones posts. Great pics. You looked fantastic. Suit colour looks great too.
Good luck with the post comp management....its always a challenge. Nic
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