Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Trying Something New

For the next four weeks I'm going to try a way of eating I've been thinking about for while: 'strict' weekdays, and 'relaxed' weekends. I'm choosing to do 'strict' weekdays because I work from home and my husband is often out from about 8am to 10pm, so when I eat it's not a social thing. The weekends are a time for me to catch up with family and friends. That might mean having a latte with my husband, or going out for drinks or brunch. During the weekends I don't want to be concerned with counting calories (there's the other five days of the week for me to do that). I just want to relax and enjoy myself.

I've also decided that I won't be using my computer on weekends. It's easy for me to spend hours on the internet when I could be doing other things. So on Friday nights I will be turning my PC off (and putting the laptop away), and not turning it on again until Monday morning.

So on Friday mornings I will post my training and food from Monday to Thursday, and my Friday-morning weight (as 'relaxed' weekend will start on Friday night), and on Mondays I will post my training and food from Friday to Sunday.


Becca said...

I think you'll like this approach. It's how Tim and I have always done things (besides during prep) and it's SO EASY on the lifestyle and good for the social life too. :) Keep us posted.

Splice said...

It's nice to try something new, let us know how it goes over the coming weeks.

Raechelle said...

I think you'll find this very doable!
That's basically what I've been doing recently-not SUPER strict, but stricter during the week and then more relaxed on the weekends. Very balanced!

Charlotte Orr said...

Thanks everyone, I am looking forward to giving it a go.