Monday, February 9, 2009

Mon 9 Feb

This afternoon I worked out why I've been feeling so crappy the last couple of days. On Saturday, when it was 47 degrees, I sweated a lot but didn't drink any more water than usual. Then on Sunday I drank less water than usual, plus had coffee. I started to feel pretty yucky in the late afternoon and thought I was coming down with something so had vitamin C before going to bed, which only made things worse, because it acted like a diuretic and I was up all night going to the bathroom. So sleep last night was probably about 7 hours, broken.

Weight: 62.1
A couple more thoughts about why my weight is up:
- I've had really bad DOMs in my lower back the last couple of days from a new exercise I tried on Saturday.
- I'm training more frequently so am having creatine more frequently.
- My weight seems to go up if I don't sleep well the night before.
And no, I'm not obsessed by my weight. Just like trying to figure out how my body works.

Lifestyle cardio: walk TJ to park

Training: upper body A. Nearly didn't go (felt a bit tired from lack of sleep and still felt lethargic after the weekend) but glad I did. Had lots of water while training and started to feel better and realised what had been wrong the last couple of days. Dehydrated.

Recovery: 30min yoga after walk; hot/cold shower after training

Water: 3/3 plus workout drinks

Food: 6/6

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